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藝術家 / 林嘉儀

Lam Ka Yee, miki.webp



她曾獲各獎學金及多家媒體採訪。在2021年,她更入圍The Signature Art Prize,及與本地導演合作,亦於PMQ元創方舉行了首個個人展覽,她的作品被各地私人收藏。


2020     Bachelor of Arts (Fine Art), RMIT University (co-presented with Hong Kong Art School)

2017       Higher Diploma in Fine Arts, Hong Kong Art School



2021       Shortlisted for The Signature Art Prize 2020/2021

2020     Premium Arts Education Award - Silver Award, Hong Kong Child Culture & Arts Association

                The Best Teacher Award, Hong Kong International Exchange of Artist & Culture Association

2016       Talent Development Scholarship, Education Bureau’s Self Financing Post-Secondary Scholarship

2015       The Best Teacher Award, Hong Kong International Exchange of Artist & Culture Association



2023      ‘個人的記號痕跡’, Touch Gallery,香港

2021       ‘The Moment 靜紙’, JCCAC Art Festival exhibition L0&1 Gallery, JCCAC

                ‘Now you see it, now you don't’ Joint exhibition, Yrellag Gallery, Central

                ‘Affordable Art Fair Hong Kong’, Central

                ‘Flipside’ Joint exhibition, L1 Gallery, JCCAC

                ‘Present Continuous Tense: Back and Forth’, First solo exhibition, S510, Block A, PMQ

2020     ‘Fresh Trend 2020’ Exhibition Hall, L1, Hong Kong City Hall

                ‘Twenty20 BAFA Graduation Exhibition’, Pao Galleries, L4-5, Hong Kong Arts Centre

2017       ‘悟’, Hong Kong Art School, L5, Youth Square

WhatsApp:  5137 9943

電話電話:       2562 9000



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