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藝術家 / Mr. Likey

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Solo Exhibition

Mr. Likey X ZTYLEZ exhibition, ZTYLEZ artspace, Hong Kong
All Together, Wrong Gallery 798, Beijing
It’s All Good, Wrong Gallery, Taipei
Melt Like Dali, 13a New Street Gallery,Hong Kong
Mr. Likey, Wrong Gallery, Taipei
Donuts Between Us, Secret Fresh Gallery,Manila, Philippines
Bear In Mind, 13a New Street Gallery,Hong Kong
Not Now But Right Now, Gallery by the Harbour, Harbour City, Hong Kong

Group Exhibition & other collaboration

Affordable Art Fair, Hong Kong
Artaverse, Hong Kong
Alpaca Land group art exhibition, 13a New Street Gallery, Hong Kong
Tiger Wrong group exhibition,Wrong Gallery, Taipei
One Art Taipei, Taipei

Affordable Art Fair, Hong Kong
Plant art group exhibition, Wrong Gallery, Taipei
BE@RBRICK Show, 13a New Street Gallery,Hong Kong
Exclusive art print Donut Sensation, Harvey Nicohls, Hong Kong
Cow group exhibition, Wrong Gallery, Taipei
Dare to be You! Dare to Dream group exhibition,
13a New Street Gallery, Hong Kong
This Ramp Leads To the Highway, 798, Beijing
BATCAVE group exhibition, Mayne Line Gallery,
Ninja group artshow, Korner Gallery, Taipei
One Two We group exhibition, Wrong Gallery,
INNERECT – special featured artist, Shanghai
Art Next Expo, Hong Kong
Pizza Dude’s Got 30 seconds group exhibition,
Ben Frost Gallery, Melbourne
Art from the Art group show, The Vanderbilt Republic, New York
First Fall Grand Salon Show, Greenpoint Gallery, New York
Artbomb Online Auction for paintings “Heart” & “Hustle”

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