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藝術家 / Pex Pitakpong Jamesripong

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泰國藝術家Pex Pitakpong Jamesripong則通過「Mari」等可愛的角色,希望觀眾能重新審視和照顧自己的內在小孩,俏皮可愛的人偶背後同時也揭示藝術家對社會複雜的情感。帽子在Pex的作品中有很大意義。他認為思想和慾望就像我們選擇戴的帽子,不必每天或每次都戴同一頂帽子。因此,帽子反映了一個人在某個特定時刻的內心想法和感受。

1971 Born in Bangkok, Thailand

Bachelor’s Degree, Visual Communication Art,
Faculty of Decorative Arts, Silpakorn University Bangkok, Thailand
Lives and work in Bangkok, Thailand

2022 “The Puppet & My Mind Recards” by PEX Pitakpong Jamesripong, Central: The Original Store, Thailand
2021 “On Holiday 2022”, Central: The Original Store, Thailand
2020 “Twins & My Sketchbook”, Echoone Nanzuka, Thailand
2019 “Portrait”Echoone Nanzuka, Thailand
2018 “Thai for Thai Art for Charity”, Echoone Nanzuka, Thailand
2017 Mari x Inreach 3 rd Aniversary, Department Store Inreach China
2016 Taoyuan Illustration Exhibition, Taoyuan arts center Mari Exhibition in Taiwan 2016

WhatsApp:  5137 9943

電話電話:       2562 9000



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