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Size: 10cmx 10cmx 9cm(H) (size of each cups may slightly vary as they are all handmade)


"I enjoy investigating patterns of aesthetics and symbols in order to produce a mash-up of form and imagery by exploring the decorative nature of the highbrow and the surplus of culture.


When working I think about my own definitions of preciousness and value. How does an object qualify itself as being important? Is what I’m after rare like a diamond, does it take time to grow like a crystal or is it a symbol that references a status or identity? Most importantly, how can I scrutinize cultural hierarchies without undermining the possibility of growing in my craft?"


— Brett Freund

More about Brett Freund:

Gem Cup Round (medium)

  • 手工陶藝作品,每個作品的紋理或大小有些微差異,但每個都是陶藝家的心血,等待你的收藏。

  • 香港客人可選擇到店自取或送貨,送貨的話,我們會將作品包好,並以順豐送貨服務送到指定地點。

    For local purchase, customer can either choose to pick up the work at Touch Ceramics or the work will be wrapped and packed and delivered by SF Express. 

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