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水墨紙本 Ink on paper: 45(H) x 55(W)cm (size with frame)


Touch Gallery現推出Exclusive Collection,呈獻本藝廊精心挑選的藝術作品,每件都是獨一無二,只供網上選購,機會難得,讓藝術融入自己的生活。


Touch Gallery now presents Exclusive Collection, showcasing exquisite artworks that are carefully selected. Every art pieces are unique and irreplaceable, they only could be purchased online, chance is cherished, let arts integrate into your life.  



Hypocrisy behind the Beauty, Lo Tayou 美麗背後的虛偽

  • 相片供參考,與實物也許存在些微差異。原創繪畫作品都是藝術家的心血,等待你的收藏。

    Photo of artwork is for reference only . The original painting is the creation by artist's great efforts, waiting for your collection.

  • 香港客人可選擇到店自取或送貨,送貨的話,我們會將作品包好,並以順豐送貨服務送到指定地點。

    For local purchase, customer can either choose to pick up the work at Touch Ceramics or the work will be wrapped and packed and delivered by SF Express.

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