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【與好友共渡輕鬆時光  #私人陶藝工作坊(最多4人)】


逢星期三: 10:30am-12:30pm、3pm-5pm/逢星期四: 10:30am-12:30pm、3pm-5pm/ 逢星期五: 10:30am-12:30pm、3pm-5pm






1. 練上手工作坊 - 造色彩繽紛的碗或杯
2. 廣彩工作坊 - 體驗廣彩文化,繪畫瓷碟
3. 清酒器皿工作坊 - 製作自己專屬的酒皿
4. 金繼唯美工作坊-以當代金繼技術創作成餐具或首飾

費用:$3,000 ,最多四位學員 (已包括材料費以及窯燒費)

可選供預約的日期及時段 (兩小時):

逢星期三: 10:30am-12:30pm、3pm-5pm/





地點:Touch Ceramics
電話 : 2562 9000



【Have A Safe & Relaxing Ceramic Experience!

#Private Workshop in 4】

Every Wednesday  10:30am-12:30pm or 3pm-5pm / Thursday: 10:30am-12:30pm or 3pm-5pm / Every Friday: 10:30am-12:30pm or 3pm-5pm

Please contact us for other time slots options.




Our private workshop has been launched since 2020 and we are delighted to witness a lot of special and joyous moments with our private class students. From a relaxing girls’ day out, sweet couples who arranged private pottery workshop for his/her partners, to people who come to be healed by clay after a long hectic day.

In the coming 3 months, we will offer private workshops on the days and time slots below. You can as well choose the theme for the workshop, as experience it with friends or beloved ones, with no more than 4 participants for the group.


We sanitize our workshop space regularly every day and participants and instructors are required to put their masks on every time. Their body temperature will also be checked. Hope you will have an enjoyable clay play time at Touch Ceramics.


Choose one technique/ theme:

1. Neriage pinching cup or plate

2. Gwon-glazed painting on plate

3. Sake ware by pinching

4. Contemporary Kintsugi on accessories or utensils


Level: Any level

Age: 12 or above

Language: English or Cantonese

Price: $3,000, max. 4 people (including the costs of materials and kilning)


Available time slots (2 hours each):

Every Wednesday  10:30am-12:30pm or 3pm-5pm

Every Thursday: 10:30am-12:30pm or 3pm-5pm

Every Friday: 10:30am-12:30pm or 3pm-5pm


Only one workshop available each time slot so that you can enjoy the workshop space exclusively, sign up now.


Location: Touch Ceramics

Address: Shop 203, 2/F, Block 3 Barrack Block, Tai Kwun, 10 Hollywood Rd, Central, HK


Tel: 2562 9000

私人陶藝工作坊 Private Workshop (最多四人in 4 max)

  • 1. 請注意: 工作坊所繳費用不設退款,不能取消或更改工作坊日期及時間 Please Note : All payment is non-refundable. No change can be made on date and time of workshop after payment.


    2. 如果8號或以上熱帶氣旋或黑色暴雨警告信號在活動開始前2小時正在生效,工作坊將會延期,並可與Touch Ceramics聯絡,商量工作坊的補堂安排,其他情況工作坊一律如期舉行。 If Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 8 or above or a "Black" Rainstorm Warning Signal is issued by the Hong Kong Observatory 2 hours before workshop starting time, the workshop will be postponed. Participants may contact Touch Ceramics to discuss the rescheduling of the workshop. In all other circumstances, the workshop will proceed as scheduled.

WhatsApp:  5406 1650

電話電話:       2562 9000



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